Smart Link, Swim Fast

A Chrome extension that lets you drag links to get instant summaries and key insights from any webpage


100+ active users


Instant Summaries

Get AI-powered link summaries of any webpage with a simple drag gesture.

Works Everywhere

Compatible with any website - from news articles to research papers and documentation.


Extract key insights in seconds instead of reading entire articles.

Smart Analysis

Advanced AI algorithms identify and extract the most important information from any text.

One-Click Access

Seamlessly integrated into your browser for instant access whenever you need it.

Multi-Language Support

Summarize content across different languages to break down language barriers.


Start summarizing today

Choose the plan that works best for you


Start your journey with essential features at no cost


  • 30 basic model queries per day

  • Basic AI model access


Unlock premium features and personalized development solutions


  • 500 basic model queries per day

  • 100 advanced model queries per day

  • Advanced AI model access

  • Priority support


Common questions about our summarization extension

A DolphinLink extension is a browser tool that automatically generates concise summaries of web content. Our extension lets you quickly get the key points from any webpage by simply dragging a link, saving you time and helping you digest information more efficiently.

Using our extension is simple: 1) Install it from the Chrome Web Store 2) When you find an interesting article or webpage, just drag the link to activate the extension 3) Get an instant AI-powered summary of the content. The extension works on most websites and supports multiple languages.

Yes, our extension offers a free plan that lets you experience the core summarization features. For users who need more advanced features or higher usage limits, we also offer premium plans with additional capabilities.

Our extension can summarize various types of web content, including news articles, blog posts, research papers, documentation, and more. It works with most text-based content across different websites and platforms.

Our summaries are generated using advanced AI algorithms that are trained to identify and extract the most important information from text. While the summaries are highly accurate, we recommend using them as a complement to, rather than a replacement for, reading critical content in full.

If you experience any problems while using the extension, please contact our support team. We're committed to providing a smooth experience and will help resolve any issues you encounter.

Start Reading Smarter

Install our extension, drag any link, and get instant summaries!